Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid: What You Need to Know
Have you been struggling to find the perfect cannabis strain for your needs and preferences?
In many cases, finding the best cannabis strain can be somewhat challenging, but this shouldn’t have to be the case - and luckily, our experts here at Flight2Vegas are on hand to help you find out more about the different cannabis strains available.
As such, today, we’re looking at some of the main things you should know about Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid strains and the main differences between these to help. So Sit back and grab those rolling papers lets explore the differences between Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid cannabis strains.
Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid Strains: What You Need to Know
There’s a lot you need to know when it comes to Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid cannabis strains, and keeping this in mind could help you decide which of these cannabis varieties works best for your needs.
After all, not all cannabis is created equal, and there are many significant differences between strains and types that you should consider to help you find the ideal one for your needs.
What Do Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid Mean?
Before we go any further, we first need to consider what Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid cannabis really mean.
Each term refers to a type of cannabis strain, depending on the plant’s genetic history and properties. Indica strains are those plants that stem from varieties that evolved in cooler climates (such as Asia), while Sativa strains typically became in warmer areas.
Meanwhile, Hybrid cannabis strains are produced by crossbreeding pure Indica strains and a Sativa strain together (or, in some cases, by crossing several other hybrid strains together as part of a planned breeding program).
Each type of cannabis has slightly different properties. Still, it’s important to note that these plants are usually very similar, even genetically close enough to crossbreed.
As such, while you can follow a few rules regarding the expected properties, these won’t always be true. In fact, in some cases, a handful of strains may even buck the trend regarding “typical” properties of Indica and Sativa plants.
The Physical Properties of Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid Cannabis Plants
One of the most obvious differences between Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid strains is their physical properties.
Indeed, the plant’s genetics will often play a very significant role in terms of its size, shape, hardiness, yield, and so on; as a result, for those growing legal cannabis (where such is legal in their respective region, of course - cannabis should never be grown if doing so is illegal in your area), the importance of choosing an appropriate plant cannot be stressed highly enough.
Plant Size
One of the biggest differences in terms of physical properties is the size of the cannabis plant itself. Generally speaking, Sativa strain cannabis plants are the tallest, although there can naturally be a great deal of variation between individual strains and from plant to plant.
On average, most Indica strain cannabis plants will grow to a height of around three feet, ranging between two and four feet. As a result, it’s almost guaranteed that a pure Indica strain plant will always be shorter than a person of average height.
In contrast, Sativa plants can grow far larger. Their average height is around six feet, slightly taller than the average person. However, the largest Cannabis Sativa strains could grow anywhere up to twenty feet.
Needless to say, this can make them vastly larger than Cannabis Indica plants, which growers need to consider before doing so.
Leaf Shape
Another factor to consider in terms of the plant itself is the shape of the leaves. Comparatively, despite being the same species, the leaves of indica versus sativa plants are very different; the latter tend to have long and thin leaves, which corresponds with the much taller height of the plant.
These leaves are much more akin to the “typical” cannabis leaf shape, whereas Indica leaves are often shorter and fuller in shape.
There can often be a significant difference between hardy and low-input plants, which can substantially impact how easy the plant is to grow. In line with this thought, considering hardiness is often a significant factor, as this can directly tie in with factors such as how the plant will grow, the final yield of the plant, and so on.
Surprisingly, despite being the same species, Sativa and Indica cannabis strains are very different in terms of their hardiness. This likely stems back to the environments in which the strains evolved, with the former facing much more challenging environmental conditions than the latter.
As a result, Indica cannabis plants are generally much hardier and more capable of withstanding fluctuating temperatures and variable environmental conditions; in contrast, Sativa strain plants evolved in hot and stable climates, which means they are much more likely to suffer in outdoor environments and are usually grown indoors instead.
Flowering Time and Yield
In addition to having different physical properties, Indica vs Sativa plants also have different flowering requirements and times.
Generally speaking, since they grow much more minor, most Indica plants will flower more quickly, with the flowering cycle completing in around 8-9 weeks (or sooner). However, Sativa strain plants will need a lot longer to flower, taking around ten to fourteen weeks in total.
With Indica plants being smaller than Sativa, it’s easy to assume that they will have a lower yield; however, the opposite is true! Surprisingly, Indica strains usually yield more generously than Sativa strains, meaning growers typically get more buds in a shorter time frame.
Physical Properties of Hybrid Strains
Thus far, we’ve considered the physical differences between Indica vs Sativa strains, but how do hybrids compare?
This can vary heavily on the hybrid itself, with Indica-dominant hybrids usually representing Indica properties more heavily and vice versa. However, first-generation hybrids (50/50 Sativa/Indica genetics) usually display roughly an average of the parent plants’ traits.
However, there will always be a substantial degree of natural variation, so even a first-generation hybrid can still end up surprisingly tall or short. Similarly, their flowering times will usually be around eight weeks, with several weeks on either side.
Properties of Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid Cannabis Flowers
Just as the physical traits of cannabis plants can vary based on genetics, the properties of their flowers will also vary significantly. As such, for those looking to take cannabis for recreational or as medical marijuana (provided that such is legal in your area), considering how the properties vary is potentially important.
When considering the different properties of Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid cannabis, the THC and CBD content will often be two of the most notable factors to consider. However, there is no hard and fast rule regarding which variety will contain more.
Generally, Sativa will have more THC and Indica strains usually have higher levels of CBD. However, some of the most potent strains are actually based on Indica genetics, so this can vary evidently.
However, Hybrids will usually offer the best balance between the two (and can often be among the most potent strains overall), which is why the strongest varieties will often be either Indica or Sativa dominant hybrid.
Properties and Effects
The properties and effects of Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid cannabis strains can vary significantly. Most often, Sativa is believed to offer a head high, which boosts alertness and creativity, increases energy, and gives a euphoric sensation. As such, it is commonly used during the day for those wanting to feel more energized and invigorated.
In contrast, Indica body high strains are often considered relaxing and good for pain relief while potentially helping with sleep quality for those struggling to get a restful night.
In addition, they can potentially also boost appetite. Given its soothing properties, Indica is generally used in the evening and at night, when feelings of tiredness are less likely to have a negative impact (and could potentially even be desirable for those who struggle to sleep).
As before, it can be a little more difficult to predict the type of high that Hybrid cannabis will produce, although this may follow the main genetic influence in the plant; for example, an Indica-dominant Hybrid may be more likely to give relaxing feelings, while a Sativa dominant strain may give more uplifting properties.
Meanwhile, a first-generation 50/50 hybrid may be more likely to give a balanced high that simultaneously energizes and relaxes, which can be understandably be appealing for many people.
Overall, it’s important to remember that these are only generalizations, and every strain will differ.
This may depend on the level of CBD vs how much THC in cannabis flower, so before purchasing any buds or cannabis products, always check not only the type of strain but also the THC and CBD levels.
In addition, don’t forget that the effects of your chosen cannabis product may also depend on the other chemical compounds; for example, pure CBD isolate products may have different properties compared to full-spectrum or broad-spectrum items.
How They Compare to Cannabis Ruderalis
Cannabis ruderalis is the third type of cannabis plant. It grows short, typically under 2 feet tall, and does not branch out. These petite plants are autoflowering, meaning they flower automatically regardless of light conditions. In contrast, sativa and indica cannabis plants rely on specific light and dark cycles to trigger flowering.
Ruderalis is rarely cultivated on its own. More often, it is crossbred with sativas or indicas to pass on its autoflowering traits while also incorporating THC and CBD qualities from the other species. Pure ruderalis plants contain minimal THC and may have higher CBD.
Through strategic crossbreeding, cannabis breeders create unique hybrid strains with tailored properties. For instance, crossing a high-CBD indica with a ruderalis can result in an autoflowering plant with abundant CBD.
Such specialized hybrids allow growers to achieve desired potency, flowering times, plant sizes, and other attributes. Continued breeding innovations ensure an expanding diversity of cannabis varieties.
Just in case you're interested to explore hybrid strains and create your own unique cannabis varieties, consider checking out Beaver Seeds for a wide selection of premium cannabis seeds to kickstart your breeding journey.
Final Thoughts
If you have been looking for the perfect type of cannabis, knowing about the different strains is vitally important. Fortunately, this is something that we here at Flight2Vegas can help with.
So, if you have any questions about the differences between Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid strains, contact us to learn more.
We’re here to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is hybrid an upper or downer?
Hybrids can be either higher or lower. It varies according to which species dominates a particular strain. Indica cannabis is a bit of a downer given its relaxing effects. Generally speaking, the weed dominates the Sativa and has more energy and creative potential.
What is better indica sativa or hybrid?
The Indica strain is the most effective choice for sleep. Alternatively if you need an energy or motivation booster for work after working, hybrid may prove the best option.
Do you feel higher with sativa Weed strains or indica?
Sativa strains tend to boost energy which makes you feel alert. Sativas are more commonly toxic with a lower THC dose. The strain can relieve stress and increase your appetite.
What is better for pain indica or sativa strain or hybrid?
Indica strains were preferred for pain management and sleep - sativa strains for energy / mood improvement. The study also found that the pain relief in the patients with migraines was statistically significant.
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